Bach - L'Arte della Fuga per Organo

J.S. Bach Die Kunst der Fuge fur Orgel

Rev. Helmuth Walcha

59,13 €
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The Kunst der Fuge is a cycle of fourteen fugues and four canon. In this edition for organ by Edition Peters.

It is to be demonstrated what, phrased by the first Bach-biographer Johann Nikolaus Forkel, „was möglicher Weiseüber ein Fugenthema gemacht werden könne. Die Variationen, welche sämmtlich vollständige Fugen über einerley Thema sind, werden hier Contrapuncte genannt“. To clarify the contrapuntally structure of the work, Bach scored everyvoice (all occurringfugues, doule-fugues, play-fugues and more are four-handed at most) on individual staves, meaning scores. Doing this he follows old traditions, scoring polyphonic key-music, which reached its prime-age inthe17th century.

The final sequence by Bach is controversialto this day. The fragments not only cause manifold speculations but is key to meticulous, music-historcal and critical analysis of the sources.
