In an era in which new information technologies and the internet have made possible for anyone to produce and reproduce music, from writing to performing and recording, the need to redefine the parameters for evaluating the quality of the handed-down musical material. The criterion that appears most objective to achieve this aim is to believe reliable a text that also contains the editorial responsibility declaration of the person who published that text. The publisher, by affixing his trademark and indicating the curators of the work, assumes responsibility for the quality of the work produced, implicitly undertaking to guarantee its maintenance over time with subsequent editions, possibly revised and corrected, and the continuity of dissemination through reprints and new editions suitable for the most diverse distribution channels.
Accord for Music is a B2C e-commerce initiative that deals with the online mail order sale of distinguished and fine editions of music, and other music products (musical instruments and accessories, CD, DVD, etc.), to musicians, students and music enthusiasts. Accord for Music activities are carried out through the ecommerce platform installed on this site ( and are managed by the music publishing house Edizioni S.E.D.A.M.
Through this site it is possible to order, bespeak and:
- methods and studies for teaching and teaching music at any level;
- scores and scores of any musical genre;
- books of musical interest, theoretical works and monographs, conference proceedings, biographies, correspondence and music history texts;
- audio CDs.
Accord for Music
is an imprint of S.E.D.A.M. S.r.l.
Via Terricciola 19, 00138 Rome RM, Italy
VAT/Tax code: 07167181002